Mommy’s Time Out Cocktail

Mommy’s Time Out Cocktail


60z Fresh Berries (Raspberries, Strawberries)

¼ cup Fresh Mint 

¼ cup sugar 

¼ cup Blue Olive Wild Raspberry White Balsamic Vinegar

Cocktail Ingredients:

¾ oz Raspberry Shrub 

Sparkling Wine or Sparkling Water (Chilled)


How To: 

Wash fresh fruit and place in a mason jar with mint leaves and sugar.

Close the container and shake the jar vigorously until the berries break down. Place in the refrigerator overnight. 

Remove the jar from the refrigerator and shake again, dissolving all sugar. 

Strain the berry mixture through a sieve making sure there are no seeds in the liquid.

Add the balsamic vinegar to berry syrup and stir to combine. 

When ready to serve, pour shrub into a glass. 

Top with Sparkling Wine or Sparkling Water and garnish with a fresh raspberry.

Cheers and enjoy!